What is Stephen Bechtel, Jr.'s Net Worth?
Stephen Bechtel, Jr. was an American heir and entrepreneur who had a net worth of $3.8 billion. Stephen Bechtel died on March 15, 2021. Born Stephen David Bechtel Junior on 10 May 1925, he belongs to the third generation of the Bechtel clan, one of the richest families in America. His grandfather, Warren Bechtel, was the founder of Bechtel Corp., a construction and engineering company that is known for its major projects, including the Channel Tunnel, the Hoover Dam and Jubail. Already a graduate of Perdue University with MBA of Stanford at the time, Bechtel joined the company in 1948. At the age of thirty-five, he became a president, and in 1973, he set on the Chairman's position until his retirement in 1990, when his son, Riley, took over the company. Being an Eagle Scout, in 2009, Bechtel donated $50 million to the Boy Scouts of America to help build new scout reserve of 10,600 acres in West Virginia, which is named The Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve. Now, he serves as non-executive member of the Board, and it is believed that Bechtel owns 20% of the company, which had profit of $37.9 million in 2012. Moreover, in April 2013, the company provided an anonymous sum in Planetary Resources, an asteroid mining company, along with Ross Perot, Jr. and Google CEO Larry Page.

(Photo by Guy DeLort/WWD/Penske Media via Getty Images)