
These are the richest royals in the world! Here you will find a listing of the highest paid royals, past and current. It's good to be royalty. Not only do you get a thrown and everybody says 'long live you,' but for royals like Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles and Queen Beatrix, their salaries are fit for a king. Who's the richest of them all? Our Top 50 Richest Royals list has the answer.

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Martha Lane Fox Net Worth

Martha Lane Fox Net Worth

Martha Lane Fox is a British entrepreneur who is an Oxford-educated lady that managed to make millions co-founding

Pierre Casiraghi Net Worth

Pierre Casiraghi Net Worth

Pierre Casiraghi net worth: Pierre Casiraghi is the son of Caroline, the Princess of Hanover and Stefano Casiraghi, as well as a successful businessman who has a net worth of $50 million.

Lorenzo Borghese Net Worth

Lorenzo Borghese Net Worth

Prince Lorenzo Borghese net worth: Born in Milan, Italy, Lorenzo Borghese grew up in Rome, Paris, and Connecticut. Lorenzo Borghese's net worth is $50 million dollars.

Count Alexandre de Lesseps Net Worth

Count Alexandre de Lesseps Net Worth

Count Alexandre de Lesseps net worth: Count Alexandre de Lesseps, is an French-born investment banker who has a net worth of

Caroline Luel-Brockdorff Net Worth

Caroline Luel-Brockdorff Net Worth

Caroline Luel-Brockdorff Net Worth: Caroline Luel-Brockdorff is a Danish royal, socialite, and reality TV star who has a net worth of

Benazir Bhutto Net Worth

Benazir Bhutto Net Worth

Benazir Bhutto Net Worth: Benazir Bhutto was a Pakistani politician and stateswoman who had a net worth of $850 million. Benazir Bhutto

King Hassan II Net Worth

King Hassan II Net Worth

King Hassan II net worth: King Hassan II was the King of Morocco and had a net worth of $1 billion dollars. King Hassan II was born in Rabat, Morocco in July 1929 and passed away

King Mswati III Swaziland Net Worth

King Mswati III Swaziland Net Worth

King Mswati III Swaziland net worth: Mswati III is the current King of Swaziland who has a net worth of $100 million dollars. Prince Makhosetive Diamini was born in Manzini

Queen Beatrix Net Worth

Queen Beatrix Net Worth

Queen Beatrix net worth: Queen Beatrix is the former Queen of the Netherlands and has a net worth of $200 million dollars. Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard was born in Soestdijk Palace