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These Four CEOs Earned Obscenely More Money Than Their Average Employee
If you think your boss makes way more money than you do, you're right — but you still might not believe just how much more it really is!
5 Of The Most Expensive Celebrity Drug Habits
Take a closer look at these celebs who spent a massive amount on drugs. Wait to you hear the amount spent per month!
Rio de Janeiro Is Hosting The Olympics Next Year… But Did You Know The Water Is Toxic Enough To Kill The Athletes?
Rio de Janeiro is gearing up to host the Olympics next year, but the water – as toxic as raw sewage – is proving to be the biggest hurdle yet.
After Selling His Company For $600 Million, CEO Leaves Incredible Surprise For His Employees
If you are an employee of this Turkish food delivery company, you're about to be a very happy person…
The 10 Most Expensive Streets In The World
People have been attracted to the glamour of wealth for as long as we've been a civilized world. And, really, if you've got the money, why wouldn't you move to the best street in your area? The 10 streets we list are the world's most expensive
Did You Know You There's An App To Order A Helicopter On Your Phone?!?
With the app Blade, you can now charter a helicopter via your phone for only a few hundred bucks. But not everyone is happy about it.
These Five Careers Don't Pay As Well As You May Have Thought
You would think these careers are associated with top notch salaries, but they aren't.
The 15 Highest Paid Authors In The World 2015
The annual list of the world's highest paid authors is fresh off the press. These 15 writers have also penned some of our favorite stories, created our favorite characters, birthed entire fictional worlds – and that's pretty kick ass.
"Über Spends Millions On Attack Ads After NYC Mayor Announces Cap On Drivers… Can It Work?!"
Kings of the car-share world, Über has unleashed a publicity war on NYC Mayor de Blasio after he threatened to put a cap on new drivers.
How Much Money Has Madonna Made From Touring?
Madonna has made a ridiculously large amount of cash from touring over the years. Want to know how much???
El Chapo's Prison Break Reportedly Cost $50 Million And Took A Year To Execute
A recent estimate from a former drug traffic pro valued infamous drug lord El Chapo's incredible prison break at around $50 million.
The Highest Paid Bands Of The Year – You Won't Believe How Much They Made!
If you want to make A TON of money, being in a band is still a VERY good career option…
How Much Money Do The Players Make At The MLB All-Star Game?
Baseball is America's pastime, and it's now a billion dollar enterprise. And while you may find it cliché to say people would play for the love of the game, dozens will do just that during the All-Star game in Cincinnati
Andy Warhol's 'One Dollar Bill' Just Sold for More Than $30M at Auction
One Dollar Bill is a painting by Andy Warhol that recently fetched more than $30 million on the auction block at Sotheby's in London.
Father's Day Lotto Ticket Gift Earns Man $1 Million Jackpot
Joseph Morrah is a truck driver in Jeannette, Pennsylvania, who got a winning lottery ticket from his daughter for Father's Day!