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How much does everything in the world cost? How much money does everyone in the world make? Check back daily to find out salaries of every profession from the President to a registered nurse to a speech pathologist. Also check back daily to find out interesting facts like how much gold costs, how much fancy cars like Ferraris and Lamborghinis cost and much more!
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How Much Has Johnny Depp Made From His Acting Career… So Far?
One of the most versatile actors in Hollywood, find out just how much Johnny Depp gets to pile on the eyeliner and funny costumes!
The Highest Paid Film Actresses Of 2015
The annual list of the world's highest paid film actresses is out and one thing is for sure: Jennifer Lawrence continues to be Hollywood's It Girl of the moment.
Seven of Eddie Murphy's Biggest Acting Paydays
Eddie Murphy has made some serious cash for his acting roles. Find out which ones top the list!
Highest Paid TV Actors And Actresses Of 2015
It pays to be funny… literally. Of the highest paid television stars of the year, 15 of them hail from the land of sitcoms. These are the highest paid actors and actresses on TV.
The 10 Biggest Oil And Gas Companies
Oil products power (most of) our cars. Oil heats our homes and provides fuel to cook our food. Petroleum is such a huge part of how we live, it is hard to imagine a world without it, and that is why, despite a move towards cleaner, renewable energy, oil remains king. The following is a list of the 10 largest oil and gas companies in the world in terms of daily production
Need Some Quick Cash? Here Are 10 Body Parts You Can Sell Legally
Need extra cash? There are parts of your body that are perfectly legal and helpful to others to sell (or in one case, temporarily rent out for nine months). Let's take a look at 10 body parts that it is legal to sell for cold, hard cash.
12 Famously Frugal Penny Pinchers
Cheap. Miserly. Penny Pinching. Stingy. Tight fisted. Parsimonious. Call it what you will, but cheap is cheap. These 12 Celebs are known for their frugalness.
The 10 Countries With The Highest Average Salaries
Let's say you're looking to make a big move – to a whole other country. You want to go where you can make a decent salary, right? Celebrity Net Worth has put together a list of the 10 countries with the highest average salaries in the world.
The 15 Highest Paid Actors In The World Right Now
The annual list of the world's highest paid actors is out and those with a tie to the Marvel Universe make a strong showing alongside a handful of international actors…
These Four CEOs Earned Obscenely More Money Than Their Average Employee
If you think your boss makes way more money than you do, you're right — but you still might not believe just how much more it really is!
5 Of The Most Expensive Celebrity Drug Habits
Take a closer look at these celebs who spent a massive amount on drugs. Wait to you hear the amount spent per month!
Rio de Janeiro Is Hosting The Olympics Next Year… But Did You Know The Water Is Toxic Enough To Kill The Athletes?
Rio de Janeiro is gearing up to host the Olympics next year, but the water – as toxic as raw sewage – is proving to be the biggest hurdle yet.
After Selling His Company For $600 Million, CEO Leaves Incredible Surprise For His Employees
If you are an employee of this Turkish food delivery company, you're about to be a very happy person…
The 10 Most Expensive Streets In The World
People have been attracted to the glamour of wealth for as long as we've been a civilized world. And, really, if you've got the money, why wouldn't you move to the best street in your area? The 10 streets we list are the world's most expensive
Did You Know You There's An App To Order A Helicopter On Your Phone?!?
With the app Blade, you can now charter a helicopter via your phone for only a few hundred bucks. But not everyone is happy about it.