How Much Does

How much does everything in the world cost? How much money does everyone in the world make? Check back daily to find out salaries of every profession from the President to a registered nurse to a speech pathologist. Also check back daily to find out interesting facts like how much gold costs, how much fancy cars like Ferraris and Lamborghinis cost and much more!

What's New
Two US Soldiers Stationed In South Korea Busted With Millions Worth Of Crystal Meth

Two US Soldiers Stationed In South Korea Busted With Millions Worth Of Crystal Meth

Mar 29, 2017

In case you were wondering, nine pounds of crystal meth worth $12 million is a pretty big deal, particularly if the meth in question is being shipped internationally using the Army's own postal service.

Huge 706-Carat Diamond Unearthed In Sierra Leone

Huge 706-Carat Diamond Unearthed In Sierra Leone

Mar 28, 2017

Pastor Emmanuel Momoh is a minister who also works as a diamond miner in Sierra Leone. Now, he's also the discoverer of what may be among the largest diamonds ever to be dug out of the earth.

A Billionaire Irish Mob Boss Reportedly Bought A Commercial Cargo Ship For His Drug Supplies

A Billionaire Irish Mob Boss Reportedly Bought A Commercial Cargo Ship For His Drug Supplies

Mar 27, 2017

An Irish mob boss has found a great way to avoid the dangers of smuggling drugs across land borders: he bought a huge cargo ship.

Illegal Rhino Horns Worth Millions Seized By Authorities In Thailand

Illegal Rhino Horns Worth Millions Seized By Authorities In Thailand

Mar 25, 2017

Even the customs officials who confiscated the horns seem blown away by their size and beauty in their statement to the press.

Zynga Purchases Four Solitaire Games For $42.5M – From A Company Made Up Of Just 2 People!

Zynga Purchases Four Solitaire Games For $42.5M – From A Company Made Up Of Just 2 People!

Mar 25, 2017

Solitaire is Harpan's bread and butter, and they've already seen huge success in their original Solitaire game, which is ranked near the top of the iOS download charts.

Charter Communications CEO Tom Rutledge Made $98.5 Million Last Year

Charter Communications CEO Tom Rutledge Made $98.5 Million Last Year

Mar 24, 2017

After taking over Time Warner Cable, this telecommunications giant is giving everyone a big bonus!

Wells Fargo Ex-CEO Cashed In $55 Million AFTER The Bank's Infamous Scandals

Wells Fargo Ex-CEO Cashed In $55 Million AFTER The Bank's Infamous Scandals

Mar 20, 2017

Wells Fargo continues to leave a sour taste in everyone's mouth as their former CEO flexes his stock options.

Wealthy People Feel Targeted And Fear Being Kidnapped

Wealthy People Feel Targeted And Fear Being Kidnapped

Mar 14, 2017

As inequality grows, the wealthy are starting to get worried about the safety of their families.

We'll Have Twice As Many Super-Rich People In 10 Years

We'll Have Twice As Many Super-Rich People In 10 Years

Mar 14, 2017

The world will have twice as many super-rich people in a decade.

The Macallan 40: Limited Edition Sherry Oak Scotch Runs Eight Grand A Bottle

The Macallan 40: Limited Edition Sherry Oak Scotch Runs Eight Grand A Bottle

Mar 12, 2017

Eight grand may seem like a lot to pay for a bottle of Scotch, but unlike most other things you're likely to spend that kind of money on, The Macallan 40 will only go up in value.

Bitcoin Hits Milestone By Becoming More Valuable Than Gold

Bitcoin Hits Milestone By Becoming More Valuable Than Gold

Mar 12, 2017

For the first time in its history, a single unit of Bitcoin (known as a bitcoin, for capitalization nuance junkies) was worth more than an ounce of gold.

Samsung Heir Charged With Embezzlement

Samsung Heir Charged With Embezzlement

Mar 10, 2017

Samsung heir charged with embezzlement and bribery

Tech Workers Feel Poor In Silicon Valley

Tech Workers Feel Poor In Silicon Valley

Mar 8, 2017

In the Silicon Valley, a six-figure salary isn't enough.

You've Probably Heard Of Warren Buffet's 5 Largest Investments

You've Probably Heard Of Warren Buffet's 5 Largest Investments

Mar 4, 2017

Warren Buffett has most of his money in five companies you've probably heard of.

CEO Brian Moynihan Awarded For Bank Of America's Big Growth

CEO Brian Moynihan Awarded For Bank Of America's Big Growth

Feb 26, 2017

Investors are warming up to Bank of America, and Brian Moynihan's rolling in the profits.