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Anti-Corruption Unit In Nigeria Finds $43M In Cash Inside Lagos Apartment
Nigeria's finance minister created new policies to aid whistleblowers in December, and since then, anonymous tipsters are now entitled to up to five percent of recovered public funds found to have been stolen.
Finance Executive Randy Work Loses Appeal For More Than Half Of $225M Fortune In Divorce
Work tried to argue in an appeal before a three-judge panel that his financial "genius" entitled him to a greater share to the assets in question.
United's CEO May Be Getting A $13 Million Bonus, But Recent Overbooking Scandal Might Cost Him $500,000 Of That
There are many factors that determine the precise amount Munoz will get as a bonus, but about a half a million dollars' worth of his estimated $13 million bonus package is tied to how well the airline's customers rate it in satisfaction surveys.
How A Family Of Four Making $500K Annually Ends Up With Nearly No Savings At The End Of The Year
How is it possible for a family of four to make $500,000 annually and end up with no money at the end of the year? Allow us to explain.
Guys Pulled Over For Using Cellphones While Driving Lose Millions In Weed And Cash To The Cops
How's this for a reason not to text and drive: You could lose a million bucks in marijuana and another million bucks in cash, as recently happened to two California men.
Tank Collector Finds Gold Bars Worth Millions Stashed In Former Iraqi Army Tank
Inside one of the tank's fuel, uh, tanks, military vehicle collector Nick Mead came across five gold bars estimated to be worth a total of around $2.5 million in American dollars.
A Murder Suspect Was Released After Posting $70 MILLION For Bail. That's Not A Typo.
Tiffany Li was in jail after being convicted of murder. But thanks to the donations of about 20 of her friends and family, she was recently released.
Wells Fargo Continues To Seize Millions From Executives
As the investigations are coming to a close, Wells Fargo's former executives are forced to pay back more money for their roles in the fake account scandal.
Colombian Police Make Third-Largest Drug Seizure In The History Of The Country
A cocaine bust in Barranquilla, Colombia came close to breaking a national record, weighing in at 6 metric tons, and ranking as the country's third largest drug bust in the final analysis.
Wells Fargo Whistleblower Paid $5M To Return
As their huge scandal is still under investigation, Wells Fargo is forced by the feds to re-hire an employee AND pay him $5 million in damages.
Stealing Google's Secrets May Come At A Huge Cost
He stole one of Google's biggest secrets. He sold it to Uber. Now, Google's out to uncover the truth.
US Air Force Considering Six-Figure Bonuses To Retain Pilots
The private sector currently has the jump on the Air Force in terms of pay (17 percent higher on average) and more flexible lifestyle – Delta doesn't let you do barrel rolls with their jets, though.
Sheikh Mohammed, VP And Ruler Of Dubai, Gives $1 Million Prize To Teacher Maggie MacDonnell
MacDonnell earned the prize thanks to "her role in improving school attendance rates and girls' registration at" the Ikusik School in Salluit.
The Pink Star, World's Most Expensive Cut Diamond, Going Up For Auction
Even if the Pink Star surpasses the estimated $60 million figure, it will take a significant escalation of bidding for it to get more than it did back in November of 2013, when the diamond was sold for $83 million.
Every Single Porsche Employee Is Getting A Four-Figure Bonus This Year
A bonus of almost ten grand probably isn't anything to write home about for a top-level Porsche executive, but this particular bonus is going to everybody on the Porsche payroll, from factory workers and janitors on up.