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Businessman Miguel Pilgram Using Portion Of Fortune From $52M Lotto Jackpot To Revive Black Business District Sistrunk Boulevard
Businessman Miguel Pilgram is investing a significant amount of money to the goal of restoring Fort Lauderdale's Sistrunk Boulevard, a former thriving black neighborhood that has fallen into disrepair.
Bernie Madoff's 24,000+ Victims To Receive A $772 Million Payout
The money that populates the Madoff Victim Fund isn't taken from Madoff himself, but instead from various seized assets and settlements connected to the massive, tangled spiderweb of the Madoff case.
Colombian Police Make Biggest Cocaine Bust Ever In Country's History
Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos told reporters about the 12-ton milestone, which happened at the expense of Dairo Úsuga, alias Otoniel head of the powerful Colombian drug trafficking gang known as Gulf Clan.
One Wealthy Alumnus Is Giving Notre Dame A $100M Gift
Private pilot and investor Kenneth Ricci is pledging to give Notre Dame $100 million that can be used for any purpose at all.
JAB Holding Could Be Adding Dunkin' Donuts To Its "Coffee Empire"
Dunkin' is the second-largest coffee chain in the United States, and should JAB follow through on its reported interest in the company, it would add another 11,300 retail locations to its already expansive breakfast empire.
The University Of Illinois Just Received A $150 Million Donation
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign just received its biggest donation ever.
Giant Beverage Conglomerate Invests $200M In Cannabis Drinks
$200 million is something of a gamble, since Constellation reportedly does not want to sell any cannabis-infused beverage products until marijuana is federally legalized.
This Is How Uber Is Affecting New York City Taxi Drivers In A Major Way
Uber is impacting New York City's yellow taxi system in more ways than one.
You Can't Bee Serious: Are Lucrative Bee Heists On The Rise?
Police in Great Britain are on the hunt for an experienced beekeeper suspected of stealing 40,000 bees from a hive in Anglesey, Wales.
Can You Guess What Costco's Top Selling Product Is?
So what is Costco's best-selling product year after year? Here's a hint: It's something everyone needs to use daily.
Man Finds Winning Lotto Ticket Worth $24M In An Old Shirt – Two Days Before It Expired
It takes an extraordinary amount of luck to find yourself in possession of a winning lottery ticket, particularly one worth a jackpot reward of $24 million. But 68-year-old Jimmie Smith of New Jersey had an incredible surplus of luck even beyond that.
Man Allegedly Stole More Than $1M Worth Of Fajitas Over Nine Years
A Texas man named Gilberto Escamilla is alleged to have stolen more than a million dollars worth of fajitas over the course of more than nine years of employment with the Cameron County Juvenile Justice Department.
Scientists Estimate Almost 100 Pounds Of Gold A Year Can Be Found In Switzerland's Sewage System
A study on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment found an estimated 95 pounds of gold flecks and particles per year flushed throughout the Swiss sewage and water treatment systems.
Want To Buy One-Third Of A Hawaiian Island? No Problem! Fork Over $260 Million
The 55,575-acre Molokai Ranch occupies roughly 35 percent of Hawaii's fifth-largest island and could be yours for $260 million.
Equifax CEO Exits Company With As Much As $90M After Major Data Breach
Following a data breach that affected approximately 143 million people, Equifax announced that its CEO Richard Smith would retire effective immediately.