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What's New
Does The Royal Family Take Advantage Of UK Taxpayers?

Does The Royal Family Take Advantage Of UK Taxpayers?

Aug 17, 2017

Have you ever wondered how the British royal family makes money? Are they a big group of inbred moochers who take advantage of the UK taxpayer? You be the judge…

Man Arrested For Drug Possession After Trying To Deposit A $1 Million Bill At A Bank

Man Arrested For Drug Possession After Trying To Deposit A $1 Million Bill At A Bank

Aug 17, 2017

Dennis Strickland of Sioux City, Iowa is in trouble when an optimistic trip to a local bank quickly went south, shortly after he attempted to deposit a $1 million bill.

The Koch Brothers Have Been Secretly Investing In Hollywood Movies Like 'Wonder Woman'

The Koch Brothers Have Been Secretly Investing In Hollywood Movies Like 'Wonder Woman'

Aug 15, 2017

How did the Koch brothers come to be investors in such a varied slate of big budget movies? It wasn't for love of cinema, as one source made clear: "They're in it to make money. They're not in it for the recognition."

Highest-Paid Authors Of The Year 2017

Highest-Paid Authors Of The Year 2017

Aug 14, 2017

The annual list of the world's highest-paid authors is fresh off the presses and James Patterson isn't number one for the first time in ages!

Rags To Riches: They May Be Billionaires Now, But These Tycoons Were Once Flat Broke

Rags To Riches: They May Be Billionaires Now, But These Tycoons Were Once Flat Broke

Aug 12, 2017

If you're currently struggling, or have ever struggled to make ends meet, you are not alone. These five individuals were once flat broke and now they are billionaires…

Drug Company CEO "Just Wanted To Be Loved" Lets Escort Spend Nearly $6 Million On Company Credit Card, Allegedly

Drug Company CEO "Just Wanted To Be Loved" Lets Escort Spend Nearly $6 Million On Company Credit Card, Allegedly

Aug 11, 2017

Pharma CEO Scott Kennedy just wanted to be loved. That's why he allegedly allowed an escort to rack up nearly $6 million in charges on his company credit card.

Judge Judy Just Sold Her Episode Archive (That CBS Thought Was Worthless) Back To CBS For $95 Million

Judge Judy Just Sold Her Episode Archive (That CBS Thought Was Worthless) Back To CBS For $95 Million

Aug 9, 2017

At one point, CBS thought no one would ever want Judge Judy's old episodes, so they gave them to her for free. That was a mistake…

Laura Ashley Heiress Gives Up $400 Million Fortune For Love

Laura Ashley Heiress Gives Up $400 Million Fortune For Love

Aug 9, 2017

Angeline Francis Khoo walked away from a fortune of more than $400 million for love. Would you have done the same thing?

Lionsgate CEO Jon Feltheimer Made $35 Million Last Year

Lionsgate CEO Jon Feltheimer Made $35 Million Last Year

Aug 8, 2017

For his work with Lionsgate, Jon Feltheimer pulled in $35.3 million, a spike of an impressive 223 percent over what he made in the previous fiscal year

Glamourous Uzbek Princess Presumed Dead Sentenced To Prison

Glamourous Uzbek Princess Presumed Dead Sentenced To Prison

Aug 5, 2017

Glamorous Uzbek princess Gulnara Karimova was missing for ages and was presumed to be dead by many people. Now, it seems she is not only alive and well, but is in prison pending a more than $2 billion corruption trial.

The Ten Most Valuable Unicorns In The World Right Now

The Ten Most Valuable Unicorns In The World Right Now

Aug 5, 2017

In startup culture, a unicorn is a startup company valued at over $1 billion. Recently Elon Musk saw his space exploration company SpaceX move up the ranks of the world's most valuable unicorns…

The Richest Person In Every State (2017)

The Richest Person In Every State (2017)

Aug 4, 2017

You may know who the richest person in the United States is (Bill Gates, natch), or even who the wealthiest person in your state is? But do you know who wields the wealth in Iowa or Virginia or Hawaii? There have been a few changes on this list since last year, so let's take a look at the richest person in every state.

Casino Billionaire Steve Wynn Recently Lost $10M In One Month To Lucky Baccarat Players

Casino Billionaire Steve Wynn Recently Lost $10M In One Month To Lucky Baccarat Players

Aug 4, 2017

It's not supposed to happen, but a recent month actually had one of billionaire Steve Wynn's casinos showing a loss, thanks to some unbelievably lucky baccarat players.

Amazing Boss Alert: This CEO Funds Employees' Life Milestones

Amazing Boss Alert: This CEO Funds Employees' Life Milestones

Aug 3, 2017

Chieh Huang is one amazing boss. Employees at his startup, Boxed, get life-altering fringe benefits, just for working for him.

This Indian Temple Holds A Trillion-Dollar Treasure

This Indian Temple Holds A Trillion-Dollar Treasure

Aug 1, 2017

The famous Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple is known for its vaults full of treasures estimated to be worth $1 trillion. Its mysterious, unopened, Vault B is thought to contain priceless treasures yet to be discovered.