Basketball player and reality TV denizen Kris Humphries is doing pretty well for himself, even though he can't count Kanye West among his best buddies. Humphries recently signed a deal with the Brooklyn Nets for $24 million! The deal is reportedly for two years with the team, which is a definite upgrade from his previous contract was for just one year and two thirds less: $8 million.

Kris Humphries / Photo by Jeff Zelevansky/Getty Images
Somewhat interestingly, the Nets are partly owned by rapper Jay-Z, who is of course a good friend of and frequent collaborator with Kanye West. In case you're not up on your celebrity gossip (congratulations), West is Humphries' estranged wife Kim Kardashian's new boyfriend, and there's evidently no love lost between the two. West recently released a diss track on which he makes the claim that he could have Humphries fired from the Nets any time he wants thanks to his buddy Jay.
In response to that, Humphries recently tweeted "I'm up at Brooklyn! @S_C_ 'lucky I didn't have Jay drop me from the team' lol!" – a clear reference to Kanye's claim.
It's a pretty ridiculous situation, with Humphries playing for a team owned by a good friend of the guy who's now romantically involved with his estranged wife – it can make your head swim just thinking about it. But, this must be good news for Humphries ($24 million contracts are usually good news), and a pretty strong sign that Jay-Z is willing to keep things professional between them. As for Kanye West, he's always nothing but professional right?