According to a recent Instagram post, Jessica Simpson has achieved something that she's been trying to do for a long time: Reclaim full ownership of her own personal brand. The business, which she founded in 2005, has seen numerous ups and downs over the years. At its ultimate peak in 2014, the brand generated $1 billion in revenue. Recent years have been a bit more turbulent, which actually turned into a benefit for Jessica.
Before this latest transaction to buy back full ownership, Simpson her mother Tina Simpson together owned 37% in the Jessica Simpson brand after a handful of sales and dilutions with other owners. The business makes apparel, shoes, accessories, and other retail items. Jessica and Tina had been negotiating for the brand with the former majority owner Sequential Brands Group Inc. which declared bankruptcy in August of this year. Evidently the negotiations were finally successful.

Amy Sussman/Getty Images
Jessica announced the good news with a post on Instagram:
"TODAY after 3 years of hearing 'NO. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE. STAND DOWN. ITS TOO HARD …'
I am truly humbled to reclaim 100% ownership of MY name and my brand. It was a long journey getting to this point. I was told no, that brand ownership was out of the question, that I was not relevant enough, and I would never have 100%. My mom @tinasimpsonofficial and I remained steadfast, patient, determined, brave, and STRONG. TODAY we can look back and say we BEAT ALL ODDS stacked against us. We withstood the battle and today we CONFIDENTLY claim victory! The entire Jessica Simpson Collection belongs to us! #OwnYourself"
Now it's up to Simpson herself to control the destiny of the businesses affiliated with her own name and likeness, something that a lot of celebrities and public figures don't ever manage to do. And, naturally, since her ownership stake is at 100 percent, the profits will be hers to reap as well.