The ongoing and increasingly contentious split between Dr. Dre and wife Nicole Young has reached a new and unfortunate chapter, as TMZ reports. The Los Angeles Police Department is investigating Young for alleged embezzlement from a business account belonging to Dre and Record One recording studio business partner Larry Chatman, to the tune of almost $400,000.
More precisely, the trouble stems from two withdrawals allegedly made by Young from a business account to the tune of $385,029. These withdrawals were actually already a matter of record, having come up in the couple's divorce proceedings before now, with Dre claiming they were fraudulent and Young claiming her name was on the account so the withdrawals were made totally legally. But now, Chatman has actually filed a police report with the LAPD claiming they were made without proper authorization, a charge he had previously made in letters to Young's legal team.

Jason Kempin/Getty Images
When those letters were first publicized last month, they revealed Chatman's charge that Young had "decimat[ed]" Record One's finances in a "blatant and unjustifiable criminal embezzlement of corporate funds." But Young's team said it was all just a ploy to smear her name and weaken her position in her high-staked financial divorce from Dre:
"There is no question that Nicole had both the contractual and the legal right to have taken this action, and Andre's team is well aware of this fact. Any suggestion she did something untoward is preposterous and pathetic."
Presumably their position is the same even if a police report has now been filed, but Young's legal team hasn't responded publicly to this latest development as of this writing.
Dr. Dre and Nicole Young have been married since 1996, but Young filed for divorce earlier this year, citing the standard "irreconcilable differences." Since then, the two have been dueling over a division of their extremely sizable assets in court.